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Locked Down, Locked Out, Locked In.

Physical & Mental Boundaries. When we lock ourselves in, we also lock ourselves out. My question: have we the right to covet and be profoundly enriched by all the breadth and riches of global knowledge and culture – the style, cuisine, art, music, science etc. without also embracing those who bring this to us?

Our modern world unites and divides by race: it boxes everything into hierarchies of place and type. A globally curated museum, room by idiotic room. Central to this is the nation state that identifies who has the ‘right’ to live within it. Assumptions based on skin colour, accent, look, life style etc. form the fickle credentials in this entitlement quiz. Win the highest score and you’re in.

Three Portraits.

Do look closely at the dappled gold paint that surrounds the head in the first image as if a quiet light. Gold paint. Like the gold leaf, metallic paint is used repeatedly in Book of Hours.